How to Actually Avoid Facing a CFS Relapse: Best Tips
You have the ability to react and reduce the effects of your CFS flare-ups and relapses. By learning to recognize when a relapse is on the horizon, you can take steps to minimize the damage. Unfortunately, dealing with a CFS relapse is inevitable—at some point in your CFS/ME journey, you’ll experience one. But hopefully, you can learn to recognize, avoid, and cope with them. In the same way that your symptoms tend to move through a cyclical pattern, relapses can be cyclical too. Short relapses, which tend to last for just a couple of days, are commonly called flares. Flares tend to be caused by acute emotional stress or overexertion. A full relapse, on the other hand, may last for days, weeks, or even months. The length of time varies by the relapse’s cause, management, and severity. When you experience a flare or relapse, it can be helpful to look for causes. Web: https://quitchronicfatigue.com/cfs-relapse/